Anthony R. Camposano


Born and raised in East Haven. Anthony spent most of his childhood living on Phillip Street in Momauguin, primarily under the care of his grandparents. His educational journey took him through Momauguin Elementary and JMMS, followed by high school at Notre Dame in West Haven, and further studies at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.

Anthony and his girlfriend Jessica reside in their home on Hughes Street with their family, consisting of his 4-year-old son and two stepsons aged 16 and 19.

In his professional life, he assumes the role of a Project Manager at a home improvement construction company, overseeing various projects and ensuring their successful completion.

Outside of work, he dedicates his time to his family. Over the recent years, he has actively engaged in attending Town meetings, advocating for the betterment of East Haven.

Anthony’s family history traces to East Haven when his Great Great Grandfather, Ignazio Camposano emigrated from Italy to New Haven; becoming one of New Haven’s first pizza makers in the early 1900’s. The Camposano family soon after settled in East Haven.

Do you believe East Haven has a right to defend its community and that our elected officials should put the interests of East Haveners first instead of being puppets of their political party?

If you share these same beliefs please consider helping spread the word.

Lets work towards building a stronger community

My kids loved going to the skate park and they had nothing but great experiences every time that we went there. It was an incredible asset for the community. 

We must salvage and rebuild what is left of the skate park, which was dismantled under false narratives by the current administration. In addition to this we need to create a community recreation center. A place where all residents can come together and enjoy.

Instead of destroying parks we should be building a stronger community. Instead of simply voicing concerns about kids riding in the streets, we should develop alternatives, providing them with constructive activities and spaces to engage their time productively. Let’s channel resources into supporting families and young adults, offering guidance instead of passing judgments.

Defend East Haven

I'm not against Tweed as an airport, I'm against corrupted self-serving politicians, backed by Wall Street banks, dictating what happens in East Haven.

Tweed’s planned expansion is a backhanded slap to Our Community. East Haven has a strong history of fighting off Tweed’s expansions that ended with an Agreement in 2009 between the City of New Haven, Town of East Haven, and the Airport Authority. This Agreement stated that Tweed would never expand beyond its current runway. The State Law that was created limiting Tweed’s runway length was created because of this Agreement. Fast forward 10 years and you get a New Haven Mayor that says they are no longer honoring this SIGNED agreement blaming the State of Connecticut.

That Mayor had also made political deals with Governor Lamont before He was elected. Lamont, then newly sworn in Governor, reverses the State’s stance on Tweed to support and help push forward New Haven’s plans without a thought about East Haven. This same theme occurred with multiple other elected officials. Even some elected officials were in a way, directly “paid off” from Tweed; (State Rep. Sean Scanlon, now Comptroller of CT) and (State Senator Tim Larson, appointed to Office of Higher Education by Gov. Lamont). Both of these politicians were the last two Executive Directors of Tweed. Neither one had an aviation background. If they weren’t elected officials with political connections they would have never gotten the job. They were paid a salary from Tweed while also holding a paid elected office. They prostituted their political alliances within the Democratic Party to push the expansion and at the same time advance their careers, leaving the people of East Haven to deal with the consequences.

Advocate for East Haven

Fight for East Haven's Right to Protect its Residents

Our current leaders have chosen to remain remarkably silent on the most significant issue that will impact our Town’s future. They claim to lack authority, that their hands are tied. I firmly disagree. All East Haven needs is a leader that will vocally advocate on behalf of the people instead of quietly hiding to appease their political allies. What’s right is right.  East Haven has a right and duty to protect its residents from undue harm caused by outside interests.

Corporate greed along with self-serving politicians have plagued the political system. The two-party mafia system does not work and is destroying our country. East Haven is no exception. 

Anthony's perspective on the current state of government

I believe our elected officials should act in the best interests of the people, not act as servants to their donors and puppets of their political party. They should have a fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers, not use their positions to enrich friends and allies. The political party system in America has turned into a mafia. They have a monopoly over the government and it’s unlikely to hold an office unless you pay your dues to the almighty Party. This is exactly what the founding fathers worried about happening when creating our country. It’s incredible that they had the foresight to predict the ways in which our government could be corrupted. They gave us the tools to help prevent it, but complacency and convenience spread through democracy like a cancer. Our willingness to allow our liberties to be stripped away a little bit at a time because each time it just wasn’t worth the fight or it wasn’t really our problem. Add to that the manufactured divisions hyped up by the media to keep the people distracted with fighting amongst themselves. We are the frog in the pot of water, and the water is starting to boil. What has been happening in East Haven and New Haven over the past few years is a microcosm of how far we have come as a nation; greed disguising itself as convenience and politicians carrying out the will of Wall Street. If we don’t take a stand now and hold our elected leaders accountable, there will not be a later. We must get out of our comfort zones and force change.

“Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.”

Thomas Jefferson

Do you believe East Haven has a right to defend its community and that our elected officials should put the interests of East Haveners first instead of being puppets of their political party?

If you share these same beliefs please consider helping spread the word.